Roll A Joint Feel Better. Part 2. Wrists

So you have been working the total body CARS routine. Now it’s time to get specific. Weather you are doing Parkour, Dance, or Acrobatics you are going to need the strongest joints possible. We are going to start with an in depth look into the wrists. You will be supporting your whole body weight on these little guys so we will need to take really good care of them.

The wrist have a ludicrous amount of bones and joints in them and we can easily over look their complexity and training them for athletic activity. Keep in mind that there are an extensive amount of things that can be done to help the wrists. Below I have videos I have put together to develop strength, endurance and build a greater range of motion for the torture you will be putting your hands through.

The videos will go through":

  1. Mobilization which is great for work right before doing any athletic activity where you will bare weight in your hands.

  2. PAILS and RAILS which are Progressive and Regressive Isometric Loading of the wrists after a fascia stretch

  3. Strengthening the wrists and endurance of the wrists.

Also please keep in mind this will mainly be for pushing situations. There will be a separate article for hanging and pulling.

Wrists Mobilizations. This wrist series is originally credited to Yuri Marmerstein, but I have added a few others as I have played with it. Yuri is another great coach and performer to follow look him up.

Next up are Pails and Rails, I recommend doing these after a training session as they can be quite taxing, but play with the timing to see how it works for you. This is the narrated walk through, the video after will be the follow along.

This the PAILS and RAILS follow along. These can be done with top of the wrists facing down as well

Strengthening the Wrists is a different issue and there are many ways to do this. I use a combination of High Rep work to build healthy blood flow and weighted grip training to build power and robustness.

The first video below shows how to train one hand at a time, the second one is a little faster but takes more coordination.

Behold the Rice Bucket

Start with trying to go for 2 minutes straight on one hand and gradually build up to 5 mins

That’s it for now my friends. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Instagram @MovementMonastery

Francesco Caban